Friday, September 17, 2010

How can I carry rid of/minimize scratch on my laptop (plastic)?

I own an Acer Aspire 3100 with the silver finish, and it is plastic. I have a cast which cause some scratches on the plastic by my baby grand. What can I do to make them smaller amount noticeable (or even procure rid of them, if possible)? Please help! And please DON'T SUGGEST: stickers, rubbing alcohol, clear fastener polish. Thanks!


There really isn't a lot you can do near scratches surrounded by plastic, short of buying a new piece. If the scratch are only cosmetic and not effecting the operation or your comfort later you will have to grasp use to them. If they are uncomfortable, afterwards you can take some fine sand rag and sand them down smooth to remove any sharp edges. I hope this helps. how to printer

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