Friday, September 17, 2010

How can I increase the RAM of my acer laptop? It have 256MB?


Read the instruction manual. It will tell you what option and mem sticks can be used. If you dont have the guide, you can download it from the PC mfgs website.
By purchasing more RAM and installing it.
upgrades are problem with laptops, but I would suggest to ring circuit city since you have to drive down here to get the parts any ways
Buy a strike.There are probably two ram slot on your contraption.So you can add hit.If dont know how to then embezzle it to a computer service.
On the bottom of the laptop there should be a small door next to the picture of a memory stick or it may say memory or RAM. With the laptop turned sour and unplugged, open that door and right down the numbers sour the stick and note if you enjoy an unused slot. Get the memory at a computer store and install it, or you could just lift your laptop to the computer store and most of them have a tech department that will install it for you.
I resembling to do things the easy instrument. is a great site that simply tells you what kind and how namy memory chips can be used surrounded by your pc.

So far, I've hear it's been essential perfect.

My Note: receive sure you always catch your memory from a reputable firm, always grasp the matched chips, and get the memory obedient enough to come next to a warranty.
purchase a new bump..

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