Monday, September 13, 2010

How can i connect my laptop to the internet?

I don't enjoy wireless, but my desktop is connected to DSL. Is there another port I can whip a wire to contained by the modem. I am going through Qwest for my internet and have a Gateway notebook.


You any need to disconnect your dsl from the notebook and connect it to the laptop. OR if you have a router later you can connect the pc and the notebook to the router that will nurture the dsl to both systems. Wireless rocks that's what I use think just about getting it because its so convenient.
Get a multiport DSL router so you can plug your desktop into it AND your laptop. Your laptop should have an ethernet input somewhere on it.
capture a router and an etherent cable and connect it to ur laptops etherent port. you can buy a router here:
recover data from the hard drive

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