Monday, September 13, 2010

How can I verbs the peak of my notebook computer in need risky it? Alcohol?


There are special sprays and wipe for you to clean your laptop blind. Your local computer place should have them. Do not use soaps or anything else bar what I have mentioned.
a moment ago wet dissertation towel mabye soap if needed and dry towel to dry
A damp, SOFT cloth. You can use alcohol, but don't create a puddle. Use watchfulness.
replying to first answer..never EVER use papertowls they will scratch your peak..
NO Never EVER Use alcohol...... they actually take home some spray just for laptop and HDTV screen. I recommend that by monster. You can find it at circuit city and or best buy....or I'm sure similar places I def. would not recommend alcohol.
You can use after shave or a nail polish remover, for easier and better results and use a cloth to buff it up after u are done near cleaning with the gooey...

That really makes the blind new and fresh factory look...

Hope i help

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